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What is eToken?
eToken is a hardware mechanism used for password authentication via using identity management technique and provides hacking problem solution to the user. It looks similar to pen drive and fixes in the USB port of the computer.
What is the advantage of eToken?
This device is beneficial for the corporate companies, organizations, libraries, banks, finance companies, education institutes, security provider companies and government and defense organizations. Besides this it is also very useful where there security is the must thing weather personal computer or cyber café pc. It can be most widely used in E-banking, E-commerce, stock trading, and online data and money transactions task.
The eToken is a portable USB-based PKI authenticator that generates and stores private keys and digital certificates on a 32KB storage crypto device small enough to fit on a key chain. eTokens are compact and rugged, tamper resistant construction make it easy for the user to carry digital IDs.

eToken brings two-factor authentication to applications where security is critical. Unlike traditional password authentication that relies on weak, easily guessed passwords, eToken requires both a physical token (the eToken itself containing the user’s private PKI key) and the user’s PIN to complete the authentication process. The eToken is FIPS 140-1 Level 2 validated hardware and offers onboard key generation, key storage, authentication, encryption, and digital signing functions which add high-assurance security to client applications such as Windows logon, VPN access, network authentication, digital signatures, file encryption/boot protection, and password management to name a few.
e-Token gives mobility
e-Token ensures that a person is not stuck up with a single computer for its usage. it can be used from remote locations.
e-Token ensures that DSC is not lost and hence legal identity over the Internet is maintained.
e-Token protects DSC from viruses and even helps using the DSC for many other purposes.
e-Token is widely being accepted in many online applications across the globe, it will help to access many such applications.
How it is Work?
eToken is a smart-card chip with USB interface that attaches in the USB Port. As it fixes in the USB port, it begins to work. After plug in into the router eToken asks for login to users, it encrypted the user via asking private keys, digital certification and password. Due to this user identification it allows the user to access any file or document. The user can then change the default setting of the system such as PIN (Personal Identification Number) and others. Then it store the changes and allows the user to access the system with these changes, if another user use the system and unable to match the information what eToken asks, it doesn’t allow the user to access the system. eToken is not only useful for the personal computer but also the user can also use this device in the cyber café. After matching the correct identification user can access any protected file or documents. If this device is detached from the computer, the pc becomes ordinary system.